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Jim Yu
M Posted 7 years ago
t 4 min read
Digital Marketing

With the recent news in our market, it felt like a good time to share our thoughts about search marketing landscape and what we are working on at BrightEdge.

Since Lem and I founded BrightEdge, it seems that every year brings more change and plenty of exciting opportunities for search professionals and digital marketers.

Like you, we see Search changing. A lot. When we talk with our customers, we hear the same common themes. Search is becoming more and more integrated into the marketing department. Organic Search is highly valued for insights about customers, the market, and competitors.

Those insights help companies grow revenue, drive product innovation, and create winning content marketing strategies. All of this change means it is more important for us to deliver the innovations that our customers need and want to be successful in their jobs.


Our brand promise starts with innovation. In the early days of BrightEdge, our customers valued our rapid innovation to stay ahead. Our customers were on the front lines – they either delivered or they didn’t deliver – and we wanted to make sure they had insights, technology, and support to be successful.

Over the years, we’ve led the market with great technology and innovation. We’re incredibly proud of what we have accomplished and flattered that many of these features are now standard across the industry.  

brightedge innovation graphic  

We’re going to keep pushing more new innovations to market– and bringing them to market as fast as we can. A few recent, market-leading innovations are highlighted below:

Intent Signal

BrightEdge Intent Signal helps search marketers understand and optimize for organic potential. It identifies which topics show organic results above or below the fold. It goes a step further to tell which pages show above the fold – and are highly visible – and where to capture more of the organic opportunity.

You can read more about Intent Signal below:

BrightEdge Intent Signal: Optimize for Organic Opportunity “Above the Fold”

BrightEdge Intent Signal


HyperLocal search allows customers to understand how topics and content perform for searches conducted in every corner of the globe. Marketers can track demand and content performance for over 32,000 US and 36,000 non-US city search locations or submit custom locations for both desktop and mobile.

You can read more about HyperLocal below:

BusinessInsider: BrightEdge Announces Next Wave of Organic Search Innovation with ContentIQ and HyperLocal Releases

HyperLocal Targeting: Content Performance From the Eyes of Your Customers


ContentIQ is our next-generation site audit solution with advanced crawling capabilities and full integration within our SEO and content performance platform. All BrightEdge customers can add ContentIQ to their BrightEdge platform to identify the site errors that impact organic search performance.

You can read more about ContentIQ below:

ContentIQ: Detect and Fix Site Errors with Comprehensive Site Auditing

Customer Success

At BrightEdge we believe that our greatest responsibility is to ensure our customers’ success. In the past 12 months, we’ve made a big investment in supporting our customers - from the BrightEdge SEO power users who love DataCube to the digital marketers and content marketers who are just beginning to understand the power of SEO.

Search is hard and complex, and as Search moves into mainstream marketing we realize that it is more important than ever to invest in ways to support our customers – always with an eye on helping them deliver real results and ROI. We continue to work hard in this area and keep looking for innovative ways to make search easier, more accessible, and to be the main driver of marketing strategy.

You can view more customer success stories below:  

BrightEdge Case Studies   


Building community is another area where we continue to make big investments and see traction in the market. With SEO going mainstream, we saw a need to foster collaboration and share insights across search, content, and digital marketing communities.

Our annual Share Conference is recognized by Forbes and as a must-attend conference, and this year we are taking Share on the road to local communities and across the globe.

You can read more about the Share17 Global Insights tour below:  

Share17 Goes on the Road

share insights tour video banner

We’ve also launched User Groups in NYC, London, SF, Chicago, and Minneapolis to make it easier for search marketers to network, make key connections, and learn from one another. And we’ll continue to ramp up community events to support the digital marketers and content marketer on SEO best practices.

We’ve been very excited about the turnout and passion around these impactful customer events.

Building the BrightEdge community has been one of the most rewarding parts of my job – above all, I value spending time with customers and hearing from them. We love our customers and the community that we support. All the passion in our industry is a sign that SEO is here to stay, SEO is more important than ever, and SEO is becoming a marketer’s (not so) secret weapon.

Before I sign off, I need to thank the 300+ employees at BrightEdge for the hard work, enthusiasm, and customer-obsessed mentality that they bring each day. This blend of passion, desire, business acumen, and market maturity that comprises the BrightEdge team makes me extremely proud, and I’m excited for what lies ahead.

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