Check Google Page Speed For Your Site's Health

How to check page speed?

Page speed has become an increasingly important part of effective page optimization. Site visitors do not want to wait around for pages to load, and an incredible 53 percent of consumers will click off a mobile page that does not load within three seconds. Their interest in the user experience has also driven Google to count Do a website speed test and check page speed - BrightEdgesite load speed as a criteria in their ranking algorithm. Sure, customer expectations are high but if you're not in tune or listening to them, your site is at risk of losing ranking, traffic and business. Therefore, knowing how to check page speed has become an important part of preparing a page for the SERPs. Here is what everyone should know.

To check site speed, there are a variety of free tools that sites can use. For example, you could check directly through Google by loading your URL into the PageSpeed Insights. This report will give you insight based on six main ways of checking page speed:

9 Best Page Speed Fixes

  • First Colorful Print
  • Speed Index
  • Time to Interactive
  • First Meaningful print
  • First CPU Idle
  • Max Potential First Input Delay

You will also receive suggestions regarding what should be updated to help you improve your page load speed. You might see suggestions such as removing render-blocking resources or unused CSS, optimizing images for mobile, as well as how correcting these issues would help your page speed.

You can use these suggestions as a starting point to improve your site speed. You will also want to look at other factors such as:

  • The images on your site and how they are constructed
  • The complexity of your site design and if it slows down the loading speed
  • Your CMS