How is AMP Changing Mobile Content Strategies?

What is AMP?

Google supported the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project, known as AMP, in response to the growing demand by customers for fast-loading, efficient websites. These pages are stripped-down versions of the regular web pages that contain only the bare necessities so that the page loads faster. In 2015, Google claimed that making webpages AMP-compliant can lead to 15 to 85 percent decreases in load times.

Page load speed is a factor you need to focus on because customers often do not want to bother with sites that take a long time to load. An estimated 40 percent of users will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. For retail websites, you could use a lot of annual sales by having poor loading speeds. With the introduction of Accelerated Mobile Pages, Google can assure users that certain websites are going to load quickly and meet their standards. This helps to improve the user experience and also works to decrease bounce rates on websites.

Discover what your AMP content strategy should look like - brightedge

How is AMP used?

Sites that are designed to load on AMP will have to make a few adjustments to their design. These adjustments include:

  • The HTML will offer a limited number of styles and tags
  • .JS, and external resources will be loaded asynchronously and any external scripts that are preventing page renderings will be stopped.
  • CDN will be available as an optional content delivering network that will cache any compliant pages so that they can be instantly accessible on mobile.

Is AMP important for SEO?

Mobile is huge and simply put, AMP is very important. Pages that are AMP-compliant rank better in the SERPs. With the introduction of AMP, there have been shifts in how mobile sites should be optimized for mobile search. Websites that are not compliant risk being pushed further down the organic search results. And with the decreased visibility, these websites will now have to try even harder to qualify for top positions. For this reason, brands that want to remain relevant on mobile should consider making AMP adjustments a part of their content strategy.