Why Are Visuals Important in Marketing?
Why are visuals important in marketing?
The human brain can process visuals up to 60,000 times faster than text. Considering that the written word has only been around for a very small part of human evolution, this makes sense. When it comes to marketing, this means that content created with visuals is naturally is more engaging and interesting for users. Tweets with images, for example, receive up to 5x times the engagement of those without. Articles with visuals receive 94 percent more views. It is clear that customers like visuals and prefer the content that contains them. See how this BrightEdge customer increased ranking image results by optimizing visuals using image SEO efforts.
What are advantages of visual communication?
The right visual will complement your materials and support the points you want to make. You do not want to pick images that are just there to fill space. These images will seem out of place and will not add value to your material. Instead, think about the ideas that you want to communicate to users and find images that will help to cement these messages.
Your visuals should also tie in nicely with your brand so that people can easily make the connection between the two. For example, color schemes and language of the visuals can be valuable ways to personalize images and enhance their value.
Remember also that images can help form associations for users with your brand. When customers see images of real people using your products, it becomes easier for them to imagine themselves doing the same thing. Similarly, when they see images of your employees, they begin to feel as though they are building relationships with people instead of just an entity.
Selecting the right image for your content does not have to be a challenge. Here are a few guidelines to help you make the right choice:
- What stories are you trying to communicate to the audience?
- What type of image could help draw people further into the content?
- What images fit well with your brand?
Images are powerful motivators, encouraging readers to engage with your content. Understanding how and which visuals help you accomplish your marketing goals will help you make the right choices for your site, resulting in positive growth for your organization.
What types of images should I use for my content?
There are different types of visual representations that can be used to enhance your content. These are the main categories:
- Infographics
- Pictures
- Videos
- Infographics. These images present a visual story that help you articulate the statistics and data that you have to support a particular opinion.
- Pictures. Particularly those of real customers, personnel, or products. Customers like to see images of people to feel connected to the content and your organization. Images of real people are preferable to stock images.
- Videos. Videos are quickly becoming a preferred type of content. More than half of senior executives prefer videos over text content.
Each of these types of visuals can help you further the performance of your content.
How many visuals should I include for my content?
There is no set formula to deciding how many images you should include for your content. However, here are guidelines that can help you make the decision that is right for your material:
- Do my pictures complement my content?
- Do my pictures add to the message I am trying to convey?
- Do I have a picture near the beginning to draw in readers?
- Do my images align with my brand identity?
Images are an important part of building an effective brand and creating engaging content. Selecting the right images can help you take your marketing efforts to the next level to more effectively connect with prospects and customers.