CION Investments Increases Position One Keywords 58%

Follow how they avoided competing with their own ranking content using BrightEdge

increase in position two keywords
increase in position 5-10 keywords


CION Investments, a B2B finance company based out of New York, has always used SEO best practices to optimize their website and remain very user-friendly. Their SEO goal was to anchor down on paid search and increase organic traffic. CION utilized BrightEdge and the expertise of several team members, including marketing and operational positions, to play important roles in regular optimization.

The Solution

CION used BrightEdge to check in on data on a weekly basis. They drive simple wins for better optimization. Alison Tyler, Digital Marketing Strategist at CION, says BrightEdge acts as a home base for them to come back and reference daily.

Their various team members utilized Recommendations and Keyword Research to take advantage of SEO opportunities that led directly back to their goals. Keeping strategy in mind, CION dove into keyword grouping where they created multiple principal keyword groups to focus on. They understood the importance of differentiating articles and content to avoid in-house competition. Using those keyword groups, CION created unique content that steered them around and away from their existing pages. 

The Results

CION used BrightEdge to help guide customers straight to their product pages. Tyler said, "BrightEdge lets us perform better organically". That helped keep the bounce rate low and time spent on site high with BrightEdge.

At CION, they write and optimize content their consumers want to read, including educational pieces that elevate CION Investments as a thought leader in the finance industry. From the end of their first quarter to the end of the second quarter using BrightEdge, CION saw a 58% increase in keywords ranked in position one, a 97.9% increase in keywords ranked in position two, and a 100% increase in keywords ranked in position five through ten.

As organic search is our number one website traffic driver, BrightEdge empowers our team to move with speed and confidence. Whether it's identifying content opportunities in Data Cube or optimizing our existing content using ContentIQ, we leverage BrightEdge daily to inform and enable our SEO strategy. This allows us to ensure we're ranking effectively for both branded and non-branded keywords we want to win on while staying focused on hitting our brand awareness goals throughout the year. - Alison Tyler, CION Investments

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