How To Staff for SEO and Content Projects?

How do you choose team members for SEO and content projects?

When you undertake an SEO project, working with a wider team can help you complete the project more efficiently. It can also help you present the best possible content to users by taking advantage of the expertise of others at your organization when needed.

Determining the team that will work best for these projects and knowing when to bring in this outside help, however, requires careful thought. Here are the guidelines we find helpful for knowing when to bring others into your SEO and content projects and who to select.put together the best possible staff for your seo and content projects - brightedge

  • Create a list of what the project entails
  • Consider the audience you want to reach
  • Assess people's strengths
  • Look at time commitments of all team members

1. Create list of what the project entails. Create a thorough list of what exactly you will need to accomplish with a particular project or campaign. For example, if you will need to incorporate video, create an infographic, or create website effects to improve the user experience on a particular page, this should all be noted.

In this list, you will also want to consider the topics you want to cover. Particularly if any of the topics you need to cover for this project fall outside of your personal area of expertise, you will want to make sure it is included on your list.

2. Consider the audience you want to reach. Next, you want to note the specific audience you will target during this project. Think about their particular pain points and where they fall on the buyer’s journey. This will help you better conceptualize the depth the prospect will want to see and the perspective they will take on the issues you discuss.

3. Assess people’s strengths. Now, consider the strengths of people on the marketing team and others who collaborate on SEO and content projects. Note any people who have the strengths that line up with the needs of your project from a technical or content perspective.

If certain team members have particular backgrounds or qualifications that will help them create higher-caliber content, then they should be included in your considerations. Remember that Google wants to see content that exhibits expertise, trustworthiness, and authoritativeness. Working with the people who have the optimal qualifications to deliver particular types of content will help you meet this requirement.

4. Look at time commitments of all the team members. Finally, you will need to take into account the time commitments of the team members you want to include on your project. For example, if the project is small and you personally have the qualifications needed to produce quality content, then proceeding personally may be the best route. For larger projects, you will likely finish the project more efficiently through collaboration.

When you want to collaborate on projects, consider their time constraints and the schedule you have for your SEO or content project.

To ensure that your projects stays on schedule, consider these tips:

  • Speak with team members before you assign them tasks. Let them know what you would like to accomplish, how you would like their help, your timetable, and get their feedback.
  • If the teammates that you would like to have help with your project have several other high priority items on their plates, then consider alternate means of soliciting their collaboration. For example, if you want their expertise, consider scheduling a meeting and asking them for their insight and then producing content personally. If you need their help with technical specifications, ask them to set time aside in the future - such as in two weeks - to help with that final step. Then you make sure the rest of the project is assembled in the interim.
  • Once you assign tasks, make deadlines and expectations clear for everyone involved. If the project has a number of parts, consider creating smaller deadlines for different portions of the project.

To create optimal SEO and content marketing material, knowing when and how to include others in the project can help you keep your projects moving forward and ensure that you provide the best possible experience for your prospects.