What is an Ideal Blog Post Length?

Although your blog post length may vary depending on your topic and audience, it is often best to aim for about 1,500 to 2,000 words for articles or posts. Longer pieces seem to do better when it comes to ranking on SERPs. One study found that the average post length of content ranked in the top 10 positions tends to be more than 2,000 words.

However, do not attempt to produce lengthy content for search engines at the expense of your readers. Many types of content simply do not need this many words to provide value for users. For example, a recipe site will generally not need more than a few hundred words to provide users with the information they need.

It is also important to note that the increasing popularity of Google Quick Answers may also impact the desired blog post length. On average, most pages that are selected for a Quick Answer result have less than 2,000 words.Discover what the ideal blog post length is - brightedge

How do you write a good blog post?

Remember that Google wants to provide value for its users. It does not want to return a SERP that contains multiple pages that largely detail the same information. If your piece does not provide enough depth or if it only gives a cursory treatment of the topic at hand, it may not be deemed high-quality content. You will want to dive deeper and provide more information as well as have an optimal blog post length.

Use keyword research with the BrightEdge Data Cube to learn more about related popular topics that visitors might want to see covered. Use the Recommendations engine to uncover more about the top ranking pages for your keyword so you can see the types of material that are ranking highly in the SERPs.

However, do not let content averages prevent you from covering topics at the length and depth that you are most comfortable. These guidelines are only averages, which means that they are calculated from content that is both shorter and longer. If you are confident that your blog post length is optimal and the post adequately explores the topic and provides customers with the information they are seeking, do not be afraid to hit ‘publish.’

How do I measure the success of my blog?

Your metrics will be the best indicator of whether or not your piece met the needs of your readers, including if it was long enough. You want to see:

  • How many people click on your page
  • How high your bounce rate is
  • What people do after they read your content
  • How your content correlates with business success, such as conversions and revenue

StoryBuilder provides you with an excellent platform for understanding these analytics so that you can better understand if people find value in your content.