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Jim Yu
M Posted 4 months ago
t 5 min read

The world of search is undergoing a massive transformation, driven by the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI models. Like most, I have been closely monitoring these developments and their potential impact on the search landscape. 

In a recent post on AI and SEO, I wrote about the evolution of search behaviors and the development of new generative AI-based experiences. Today we see a massive influx of new investment and innovations from traditional and non-traditional search players, signaling that we are entering the next generation of search and AI. 

You can learn more on How AI is reshaping Google’s search page via Fast Company.

The Evolution of Search in a Post-Generative AI World 

One of the most significant changes we are witnessing is the integration of AI into search engines. Generative AI models, like ChatGPT and others, make the average searcher much more proficient at finding relevant information. These models can take a single keyword and expand it into multiple related queries, providing a comprehensive and well-summarized search experience. 

This is a momentous change for the end user, as it enhances their ability to find what they are looking for.

Search engines can utilize AI to take a single search query and turn that into many formats of answers. They do this is by assembling the entire related areas of conversation, run those searches, summarize that with the AI, and give you a well-researched and summarized point of view. As I mentioned in an interview with Forbes recently, it makes the average person that searches 100 times better at search.

You can learn more on How Google’s AI Search Will Change Marketing Strategy via Forbes

Moreover, the rise of AI-powered search engines has created a massive opportunity for disruption in the industry. Companies like Google, OpenAI, and Microsoft are investing heavily in developing their own AI-driven search experiences. 

Each of these players brings unique assets and capabilities to the table, setting the stage for a new era of innovation and competition in search.

Last week I had a great conversation with Kanad Bahalkar, Co-founder of Potion. I want to summarize our discussion on how AI is reshaping search and what it means for businesses, entrepreneurs, and marketers.




As AI continues to advance, I believe we will see search engines become increasingly specialized in different use cases. 

Google, for example, has a strong advantage in real-time indexing, location-based information, and user reviews. On the other hand, platforms like Perplexity are focusing on the research use case, providing powerful tools for citation and information summarization.

Just as people today use different search engines for specific purposes (e.g., Google for general queries, Amazon for products, YouTube for videos), I anticipate that the AI-driven search landscape will further fragment, with users turning to different AI engines for diverse types of searches. 

I share more of my thoughts on this below, including BrightEdge Generative Parser™ research on Perplexity showing 40% MoM growth in referrals. 

Read more: Perplexity’s growth upends SEO fears, reveals crack in Google’s dominance, VentureBeat. 

The Importance of Being an Authority

For businesses and marketers, the rise of AI in search underscores the importance of being an authoritative source in your domain. As AI models become more adept at surfacing and citing the most relevant and trustworthy information, it is crucial to establish your brand as a go-to resource in your area of expertise.

This means doubling down on your core competencies and creating high-quality, informative content that highlights your unique value proposition. Whether it is Google's AI engine or Perplexity's, if you are consistently producing valuable content in your niche, you will be well-positioned to be cited as an authoritative source.

The Challenges of Content Moderation

Of course, the integration of AI into search also presents new challenges, particularly in the realm of content moderation. As platforms like Reddit begin licensing their datasets to train large language models, questions arise about how to effectively police the quality and appropriateness of the content being used.



Moreover, as AI engines start to assert their own informed opinions and present pros and cons for various queries, there is a risk of bias and misinformation. Striking the right balance between surfacing diverse perspectives and maintaining accuracy and credibility will be a key challenge for AI-powered search engines moving forward. This is something I discussed with the team at TheNewStack just last week. 

The Future of Search and AI is Bright 

I am incredibly excited about the future of search and the role that AI is playing in shaping it. We are entering a new era of innovation and disruption, where the boundaries of what is possible are being pushed every day. 

At BrightEdge we are committed to helping you stay at the forefront of these developments and helping businesses navigate this rapidly evolving landscape.

By understanding the implications of AI for search, focusing on your core strengths, and consistently producing high-quality, authoritative content, you can position your brand for success in the age of AI-powered search. 

The future is bright, and I cannot wait to see what it holds.


You can read more of my vision for the future and how BrightEdge is innovating to keep marketers ahead below, or follow me on LinkedIn.

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