How Do I Create A Custom Attribution Model?
How Do I Create an Attribution Model?
To begin tracking attribution model, you want to consider the model that fits your organization best. Think about the business model you have and the goals you want to achieve with your campaign. Review the different model options and see which one will align best with the goals of your digital marketing strategy. You can set up attribution models both in Google Analytics as well as some social platforms, including Facebook.
To set up your attribution model in Google, you will need to begin by logging into your Google Analytics account. You will need to access the Admin portion of the site. Then go over to the Personal Tools & Assets and click on Multi-Channel Funnels Settings.
Understanding Attribution Models
Once you have entered this portion of the Analytics page, you can add new attribution models, which allow you to select baseline models based on the strategy you want to use for your page. Google gives you choices between Linear Model, First Interaction, Last Interaction, Time Decay, and Position Based (or U-Shaped) models.
Once you set up your attribution model, you can start tracking how customers move in your website. You can begin to gather information about the ability of different parts of your site to engage with prospective customers and encourage them to convert.
If you promote ads and content on Facebook and Instagram, you will also see that you can track some attribution data through social media as well. Specifically, Facebook and Instagram will let you know if a customer took a particular action on your ad and site within a certain number of days of viewing your ad. This can help you gain a better understanding of how your ads influence people’s buying decisions. You can combine the data you gather through Facebook to see how your social media ads play in with the rest of your touch points. You can then see how those customers arriving from Facebook ads behave on your site and the types of other touch points they make before a purchase.