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Erik Newton
M Posted 7 years ago
t 2 min read
Technical SEO

BrightEdge SEO User Group logo photo

This is a great time to be an SEO and content marketer. The converged practice drives more than 51% of tracked traffic for companies on average. Search is evolving vertically and horizontally: what that means is that the basic search function is being used in more ways, like within social platforms or sites, and that search is more central to other marketing functions because it fundamentally focuses on user intent and experience.

Despite the outsized contribution, SEOs and content marketers often work on small teams or even single-person teams, and there are many evolving intricacies to discuss and understand. Having a contact who does similar work in the same city is the next best way to expand your SEO team and coverage. If you have a question, it's nice to have some friendly SEO or marketer contacts to call. All BrightEdge Certified members can post questions or job openings in the BrightEdge Certified group on LinkedIn no matter what city they live in.

brighetdge seo user group networking event

BrightEdge SEO User Group Gartner Digital Marketing group photo

In response to customer requests, BrightEdge has launched SEO user groups in New York, London, Minneapolis, Chicago, San Francisco, Austin, and Seattle with Phoenix and Milwaukee coming soon. If you are a customer and would like to join any of these SEO user groups, register for your local chapter and then you will be invited to the next event.

The purpose of the SEO user groups are to build a community that shares industry insights, platform usage and best practices, and, most of all, to elevate SEO across all of our companies.

The groups meet quarterly and are moderated by customers with coordination, food, and drink provided by BrightEdge. The first round of meetings addressed new research, new SEO whitepapers, SEO strategies, BrightEdge Certification, and the Share Insights Road Tour.

In the second round of meetings, the 2 customer moderators for each city took over the agenda and led the meetings and shared case studies, best practices, and platform insights. Over time each city's SEO user groups will uniquely reflect the interests of the group and the personality of the moderators.

brightedge offers education at seo user groups

If you are interested in helping create a BrightEdge user group in your city, let us know and we will explore that with you and the other customers in your area among the more than 1,700 BrightEdge customers worldwide.