
A content performance platform that moves at the speed of search

Search moves fast, Google changes their algorithm more than 500 times a year, that's more than once a day. When choosing an content performance marketing platform, look for a proven innovation leader, to help you stay ahead of the changes in search. Over 8,500 brands rely on BrightEdge, the global leader in enterprise content performance because of our proven and public record of delivering new capabilities into the market first.

Estimated Keyword Reporting

BrightEdge calculates estimated traffic conversions, and revenue performance metrics that are no longer available due to secure search (based on BrightEdge Customizable Click Curves).

BrightEdge Customizable Click Curves

Click Through Rate (CTR) varies dramatically across devices. BrightEdge Customizable Click Curves, for desktop, tablet, or smartphone provide the most accurate forecasts such as SOV, traffic, and conversions.

Mobile Share of Voice

BrightEdge’s patented Share of Voice technology provides an instant snapshot into who are all the competitors in your space, for any group of keywords or product line, and allows you to dig deeper into exactly what they’re doing to drive traffic online. We've enhanced our patented Share of Voice to support mobile devices, which provides deep insights into your competitive mobile landscape for Tablet and Smartphone.

Mobile Site Audit

Mobile Site Audit helps ensure you’re complying with Google’s best practices for mobile. Identify on-page issues impacting mobile search results and take action immediately to maximize mobile search performance.

Page Reporting

For the first time brands are able to understand their total SEO performance across revenue, visits, and conversions at a page level.

We see what we structured with BrightEdge in a very collaborative way, a great partnership where we can continue to position ourselves in a world class digital marketing leadership role and absolutely the innovations that we’ve seen from BrightEdge have helped us.