Dumpsters.com Earns 38 Quick Answers with Single Page with BrightEdge

Learn how Dumpsters.com secured universal listings across multiple SERPs on a single URL using BrightEdge

page one rankings
reduction in bounce rate


Dumpsters.com launched in late 2016 with the goal of owning top SERP positions for high-value keywords. The primary challenge lay with its low domain authority compared to competitors, and they knew they had to get strategic and creative to generate quick wins for long-tail keywords that would then improve relevance for more impactful head terms. With that in mind, they prioritized the pages that could have the greatest impact in the shortest timeframe and started with the pricing page for their core business line: roll-off dumpster rentals. Their goal was to earn high-impact keyword rankings for the roll-off dumpster pricing page six months after launching a brand-new site.


bj bellamy dumpsters.com case study profile photo

Using BrightEdge’s Data Cube, the SEO team identified several target search terms that returned Quick Answers from competitors with specific prices for various dumpster sizes. Before launching any updates, the team set up a page-specific keyword group and used the Quick Answer filter within Keyword Reporting to keep an eye on progress for target terms. They also added a broader universal listing chart to their weekly StoryBuilder dashboard to capture any Quick Answer wins for keywords outside the primary group. Next, the SEO team worked with the in-house analytics group to calculate average prices across the country and displayed the proprietary size-specific pricing near the top of the page using a table. The choice to use an HTML table was based on several considerations:

  • Google likes to show featured snippets in the form of bulleted lists and tables and competitors were ranking with similarly structured content
  • By inserting the price information in an HTML table, the information would be crawlable and replicable directly in search results

The page launched with the new table in April 2017. Over the next few months, the page began to rank for much broader keywords than expected, and this caused the bounce rates to climb. To mitigate this, the team updated the above-the-fold CTAs in the hero image and on the table itself to drive customers to use the zip code search bar. This directed them to relatively high-converting local pages where location-specific content was available. The goal was to personalize the experience for customers while also encouraging them to move beyond the initial landing page. This update went live in Spring of 2018.


  • 22 Quick Answers by EOY 2017 and 35 Quick Answers by June 2018 (high of 38 in April 2018)
  • 134 page-one rankings by EOY 2017 and 230 page-one rankings by June 2018
  • Drove 25% of all organic sessions by EOY 2017 and 36% of all organic sessions by June 2018
  • Reduced bounce rates from 65% in February 2018 to 34% in June 2018

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